How to Burn Bright
Without Burning Out

Discover how to calm the overwhelm and create more ease and peace in your work - AND your life!

Watch the replay of the FREE masterclass for ambitious female entrepreneurs, founders, and CEOs wanting to create more impact in the world, with less impact on themselves!

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How to Burn Bright
Without Burning Out

Discover how to get your ambition working for you, without hitting yourself into the ground in this
FREE 1 hour Masterclass for female entrepreneurs

This talk is for you if:

  • You’re an ambitious female entrepreneur, working hard to reach your goals, but it’s taking its toll on your wellbeing. 
  • You can't remember the last time you properly switched off on holiday, without worrying about your business.
  • Your body is telling you to slow down, but you have too much to do to listen - so you push through with more coffee.
  • You worry about what others think or second guess your decisions, or procrastinate something until it's 'perfect'.

You'll learn...

1. My unique framework for creating pause, purpose and play in your life, by giving yourself permission to let go of ‘perfect’.

2. How an overworked coach allowed herself the permission to take a full month off in August - still hitting her financial goals and feeling more inspired to scale her business!

3. The simplest way to calm the overwhelm, without adding to your to-do list with complicated self-care tools

4. Why beating yourself up for mistakes or failure doesn’t help you reach success, and what to do instead!


It's time to follow your ambition, without drowning in it.

Investing in YOU is investing in your business AND your family!

About Your Guide

Hi there! I’m Michaela Thomas.
I'm a Clinical Psychologist supporting high-striving working women to follow their ambition with less self-doubt, perfectionism and procrastination. 

My mission is to help ambitious women let go of the pressure of perfection, so they can dance to the beat of their own drum instead of conforming to the ‘good girl’ societal conditioning, which dictates that we can never BE enough and never DO enough.

So no wonder we all get drawn into that hustle mentality!

But didn't you start working for yourself so you could have freedom and flexibility? Being your own boss so you could work in a way that served you and your family..? What happened?!

Imagine if you could be as nice to yourself as you are to your kids, your partner or your friends - you could move mountains with all the extra energy you'd get from taking proper care of yourself!

Over the past 15 years I have helped thousands of high-striving busy people move from anxious overworking and burnout, to a better balanced and fulfilling life full of joy - without sacrificing their ambition in the process.

You CAN burn bright, without burning out.

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Are you ready?

Let's find you balance over burnout,

so you can reach your stretchy goals

- without becoming overstretched.